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Important Pesach Information

  • Sale of Chometz - Please note, you MUST meet with Rabbi and complete the sale ideally by Thursday, April 10th, but it must be done by 11:32 a.m. on Friday, April 11th.  You will find the form using this link Click Here
  • Rabbi’s Shabbat Hagadol Drosha will take place on Saturday, April 5th at 12:00 noon.  Please note this is the Shabbat Vayikra, not Tzav.
  • The shul closets will be cleaned out on Sunday, April 6th, so please come and clean out any snack or food items you may have stored in your cubbies where you store your Tallis and Tefillin.
  • Click Here to download Rabbi Reich’s guide, “When Erev Pesach Coincides with Shabbos” with important information for this year.
  • Pre-Pesach classes will be taught by Rabbi Reich on Wednesday 4/2, and Wednesday 4/9.  Both classes will start at 7:45 p.m. 

Delegation of Power of Attorney for the Sale of Chometz

Please use this link to download your Delegation of Power of Attorney for the Sale of Chometz to empower and permit Rabbi Reich to act in your stead to sell all of your Chometz for Pesach.

Please click on this link to download the form.  Please complete it and bring it directly to the Rabbi to complete the delegation of POA.  CLICK HERE

Shabbat Hagadol Drosha Presented by Rabbi Reich



Pre-Pesach Classes 4/2 and 4/9


Pre-Pesach Classes with Rabbi Reich

Please join us for the Rabbi's classes to help you prepare for Pesach.  Both classes are open to men and women and free of charge.

Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785